Friday, October 10, 2008

Here we go again!

So I've got good news again! I'm pregnant!!!! I'm a little nervous because of what happened with the last one and we weren't going to tell too many people. But anyone who reads this blog is family and friends so I decided to share the news! I'm only about 4 weeks along I'm guessing. I've got an appointment on the 29th. We haven't told Avery yet cause he took the miscarriage pretty hard. We want to make sure this one is going to be ok before we tell him. Both of my miscarriages have been about the 5th week so if everything is ok by the appointment we'll probably tell him. Anyway, not much else is going on around here. Brian did get a job on Post testing equipment so that is more exciting news. We are hoping that this is the door we have been waiting for. He starts Tuesday. Avery picked out his costume for Halloween, he is going to be Anakan. Tayore is going to be a pumpkin I think. Her nickname is pumpkin so we thought it would be cute. I will have pics soon!


Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

Congrats! Hope all goes well. Send me your email, so I can let you on the blog.

Ellis Family said...

YEAH!!!!!!!!!! Congrats and good luck!

Michele said...

That's awesome... good luck Bean! Love ya!

Coburn Ohana said...

congrats! keep us updated on how this one goes. mc's suck, but we truck on. tell the whole fam damly we said hi!