On the way home from Williams we stopped to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner and then went and saw the temple lights. It was pretty as usual. The kids always like looking at the lights.
We went again this year to Williams Arizona to ride the Polar Express. The Fincks came too which was a blast. Avery and Taylore had a great time with thier cousins and I loved seeing mine. We had a great time riding the train, drinking hot chocholate, eating cookies and singing. Of course seeing Santa was the best part. All the kids got a bell from Santa's sleigh which they loved. I believe everyone had a great time. Avery loved playing in the snow. He says he misses the snow. Taylore saw snow for the first time and loved it. She didn't want to stop playing in it. The kids also loved swimming in the pool. It was great! I am glad that everyone was able to get together and I sure missed those who couldn't be there.